The Business of Foreign Affairs
Hotel Parc Belair, Avenue du Dix Septembre, Luxembourg
Perspectives from Ambassador Jean McDonald
Ever wonder what the day-to-day activities of an ambassador are? Many of us meet or see ambassadors at various functions and events here in Luxembourg. But how do ambassadors spend their time? It is hardly just one continuous round of cocktail parties.
Also, what is involved in a diplomatic career? Are there different types of routes to being appointed ambassador?
Interested to find out the answers to these and other questions? Please join us to hear Ambassador Jean McDonald’s perspectives on Tuesday December 19th at Hotel Parc Belair, 111 Av. du Dix Septembre, L-2551 Hollerich, Luxembourg.
Registration from 18.30.
Event commences at 19.00 and will be followed by a cocktail.
The event is free to ILCC members.
Non-members €15.00
To register for this event, please email info@ilcc.lu
event report