Screening of "Shelter", followed by seminar ''The Business of... Film Production''
Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg, Place du Théâtre, Luxembourg
Irish Chamber Celebrates 10th Anniversary: The Business of… Film Production
The Ireland Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ILCC) was launched in 2012.
As part of our 10th anniversary celebrations, we are partnering with the British & Irish Film Festival Luxembourg (BIFFL) for an event on Tuesday 20 September 2022 at 19:00 at the Cinémathèque on Place du Théatre in Luxembourg City.
Following the screening of the acclaimed Irish-language drama Foscadh (Shelter), the event will then address the topic of “The Business of… Film Production” with guests Siun Ni Raghallaigh (formerly CEO at Ardmore Studios and MD at TG4) and Bernard Michaux (producer of the film The Runway, a joint Ireland-Luxembourg co-production).
The event will be followed by a crémant reception with finger-food.
Tickets: free for ILCC members (€40 for non-members).
To attend, please register via email: info@ilcc.lu.
event report