Will the Luxembourg Partnerships Survive?
Conference Saint Yves and the Ireland Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ILCC) co-organise an open legal discussion on fund vehicles.
The event is supported by Bonn Steichen & Partners.
Open legal discussion on fund vehicles:
1. How to articulate tax law, corporate law, product laws and regulatory requirements when setting-up a fund vehicle? (Edouard d’ANTERROCHES of Stibbe) and open discussion on the use of the fund toolbox and its future (Sebastiaan HOOGHIEMSTRA of Nauta);
2. The development and the future of Luxembourg partnerships (Edouard d’ANTERROCHES of Stibbe) and understanding other partnership solutions with an introduction on Irish partnerships (Evelyn MAHER of BSP);
3. Open discussion: Limitations and solutions offered by Luxembourg and Irish partnerships (Edouard d’ANTERROCHES of Stibbe / Oisin KILGALLEN of BBH).
Register now here (https://sites-bsp.vuture.net/20/239/landing-pages/rsvp.asp?ExcludePageBreak=true) or by sending an email at marketing@bsp.lu.
A login link will be sent to registered attendees one day before the event.
event report
The Conférence Saint Yves (CSY) and the Ireland Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ILCC) with the support of BSP, held an open legal discussion on the use of partnership vehicles via webinar, on 20 April 2021.
The webinar was opened by William Lindsay Simpson, President, Conférence Saint Yves and Ailbhe Jennings, Vice Chairman, Ireland Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.
The first Speaker, Edouard d’Anterroches, Partner Stibbe Avocats, explained the characteristics of tax corporate products and regulatory laws when setting up a fund vehicle partnership. The next speaker, Sebastian Hooghiemstra, Associate NautaDutilh Avocats, led an open discussion on the use of the fund toolbox and its future.
A presentation of Irish Partnership solutions was presented by Evelyn Maher, Partner, BSP. Oisin Kilgallen, Vice president, Brown Brothers Harriman together with Edouard d’Anterroches addressed the limitations and solutions offered by the Luxembourg and Irish partnerships referring to practical applications and differences between the structures in the two locations.
The webinar is available to view on replay via https://youtu.be/IGjujJ9J0Ro.