Members Only Christmas Event
40 Rue des Bruyères, 1274 Howald, Luxembourg
The Irish Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce are delighted to announce that Patrick Losch will be the guest speaker to our Christmas Event 2019.
Patrick Losch, member of the Board of Friendship Luxembourg, has recently returned from his field visit to Bangladesh and will explain the overall context and the details of the projects that Friendship is running. His presentation will be illustrated with fascinating photographs from this trip.
Friendship is a Bangladeshi NGO, which works to break the cycle of poverty in the remotest areas by working on six core programmes, namely, health, education, sustainable economic development, climate change adaptation, inclusive citizenship and culture.
Those attending will be brought on a journey to a mangrove reforestation project in the cyclone prone south and to a solar-electrification effort for the flood prone moving islands of the Brahmaputra in the north. A further highlight is the implementation of an ICT-aided secondary education concept.
Additional information can be found at www.friendship.ngo
Prior registration to info@ilcc.lu
event report
On 11 December 2019 we celebrated our annual members-only Christmas Party at Eirelux in Howald. The evening was attended by 20 people and once again Vinny and Adrienne Clarke produced ample and delicious finger food. Apéros of champes and Guinness were much in demand.
The guest speaker Patrick Losch gave an inspiring and informative talk on the work done in Bangladesh by Friendship Luxembourg A.s.b.l. in partnership with its sister body in that country which, to the surprise of the listeners, has a surface area of twice that of Ireland and a population of 165 million! Patrick’s talk was enhanced by photos showing the reforestation, electricity and educational projects that have been supported over the past 11 years. An ad hoc meeting of the Committee agreed to donate €1000 to Friendship Luxembourg.
The convivial evening ended at 22:30.
The ILCC would like to thank its members for their continued support over 2019 and wish you a very successful 2020.