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Photo by The Luxembourg Chronicle.

ILCC Innovation Contest 2016


9 May 2016


Lux Future Lab

(59 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg)



Following  a highly-successful Call for Applications, the Ireland Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (ILCC) is delighted to announce the Pitching Event of its 2016 Innovation Contest which will take place on Monday

9 May 2016 at 18:30 at Lux Future Lab (59 Bld Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg-Ville).
The finalist entrepreneurs in the 2016 ILCC Innovation Contest have 5 minutes to pitch their innovations – which cover a vast array of products and services. During the next 5 minutes, the Dragons can then ask questions to better understand the business concept. When all pitches have finished, the “Dragons” will deliberate to choose the best pitch(es) for the awarding of prizes. Judging criteria will be along the lines of Market Research, Prototype, Business Case and Financials, with the individual “Dragons” bringing their own market expertise to their critiques and decisions.
The pitching event will be followed by a networking reception during which the winning pitches will be awarded prizes from organisations including Enterprise Ireland, Bonn Steichen & Partners, The Huggard Consulting Group, The Corporate Horse Whisperer, LBAN, LuxFutureLab, nyuko, Silicon Luxembourg and Technoport. The main prize will be a trip to Dublin for two representatives of the winning project, including introductions to an innovation hub and other entrepreneurs there, with Enterprise Ireland facilitating introductions.
18:30 Registration opens
19:00 Welcome / Introduction by Moderator
19:10 Keynote Address
19:30 Pitches
21:30 Networking Reception & Awarding of Prizes







28, route d'Arlon

L-1140 Luxembourg 

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