Promoting Luxembourg as a tourist destination
Visiting journalists from Ireland
25-27 April 2014
The visit to Luxembourg from 25-27 April of a small group of journalists from Ireland is part of a tourism promotion campaign in Ireland undertaken by the Office National du Tourisme and Luxair following the recent very welcome re-launch of the latter’s Dublin-Luxembourg flight connection.
While in the Grand Duchy, the Irish journalists will visit the main historical sites in Luxembourg City and sample the City’s many attractions, as well as tour both the Moselle Region and Vianden. The ILCC-hosted event is primarily to tell the story of the Irish community in Luxembourg, and the links our community has established here, both economically and socially. It is also part of our Chamber’s effort to support the establishment of a sustainable direct air link between our two countries.
Related links: - Geoff Thompson: Luxembourg Perceived as A Hidden Gem
Photo by The Luxembourg Chronicle.