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Social Elections and Proposed Labor Law Changes


3 October 2013


Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg




Every five years Luxembourg law requires most companies to hold internal elections to select Employee Representatives who will defend the best interests of employees in negotiations with company management. These elections will take place on November 13, 2013. Since this happens only once every 5 years, there is a very good chance you and your company do not know whether you need to do something and, if so, what you need to do and when you need to do it. To make sure you and your company get this right, AMCHAM, the Ireland Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, the British Chamber of Commerce, and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce have partnered together to invite Mr. Pierre Lorang, the Senior Government Functionary with responsibility to manage these staff elections to answer all your questions and explain which companies need to do what and when they need to do it.

We urge you to join us on October 3 at 18:30 at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for this important event.

This event is free to all attendees as a public service through the kind and generous support and patronage of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, but you must register. Management personnel, especially those with HR responsibilities and employees who might be interested to be staff delegates, are all welcome and encouraged to attend. This event will be in English. Tell your colleagues and friends!

Registration at

Sponsored by: Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg

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